The Whats and Hows of ACE Skateboard Trucks

Skateboarding is making a massive comeback. Be it because of social media platforms or the Covid-19 pandemic “forcing” people to rediscover the outdoors, it has become one of the most popular recreational sports worldwide. More and more people crave that feeling of freedom when riding a board mounted on wheels. However, not just any board will do. Made up of several components (the deck, the wheels, and the trucks), the right skateboard can make or break your ride. The right truck to be exact.

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Archery Equipment Buying Guide

Archery is an ancient sport with a lengthy history of use. Even now, it’s one of the oldest and most common customs in the world. The Egyptians and Nubians, who first employed the bow and arrow for hunting about 10.000 BC, are thought to be the oldest known users of the technology. Archers and hunting scenes from the Shang dynasty can be found on a variety of items, wall murals, and written documents. It’s mentioned in Greek mythology and English literature. Aside from that, archery was made even more prominent during the period of Robin Hood.

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Essential Baseball Equipment Buying Guide

Did you know that American gold miners introduced baseball to Australia? Yes, they played the game on their free days to introduce Australians to the sport. Baseball is now enjoyed by approximately 500 million people worldwide. The Australian Baseball League is a professional baseball league that is home to some of the most successful clubs in the country, including the Adelaide Giants, Melbourne Aces, Auckland Tuatara, and Brisbane Bandits.   

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Tee Ball Bats 101

If your kid shows interest in baseball, maybe it’s time to introduce them to this game. The kid’s age will determine the type of bat they will need. A five-year-old child will certainly not be able to hold and swing with a bat designed for adult players. This is why you should get them a Tee Ball bat. These bats are much lighter and shorter than the regular full-size and are designed to fit the needs of a child younger than six. How can you find the right size, weight and length? Here are some useful tips for buying such bats.

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Skateboards Buying Guide

If you’re looking to buy your first skateboard, you’re probably wondering what’s the best size, how wide it should be and of course, if it’s suitable for your age, experience and skills. Skateboards are a cool way to move around, not only because you can do tricks with them, but also because you get to engage the muscles in your body while smoothly rolling around town. The anatomy of a skateboard is not too complex, however, if you’re new to this you might not be sure what things to pay attention to. Before you start checking skateboards for sale online and buy the one that has the best graphics, here are a few things to keep in mind.

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