4 Gift Ideas for the Tea Lovers in Your Life

buttler pouring a stream of roses into tea cup

Did you know that tea is one of the oldest drinks in the world? It was accidentally discovered in 2700 BCE by a Chinese Emperor Shen Nong when a tea leaf fell in the boiling water pot in his garden. Since then, people have been enjoying tea all over the world. And some love tea more than others. If you have a tea lover in your life, you know how happy they are when someone gifts them something tea-related. From the basics such as tea and kettle to drinking accessories like cups and saucers and tea strainers.

No Such Thing as Too Many Cups

Just like every Batman needs a Robin, so does every tea bag need a good cup. After going through the brewing process, it’s time to serve the tea and enjoy its flavour. Tea enthusiasts often have a whole collection of beautiful and unique breakfast cups in their possession. There are so many different designs. Starting with the classic, traditional look to modern and extraordinary teacups.

breakfast cups
Source: harney.com

We always look only at the cup’s appearance when we buy them. But factors such as the material and the size can also make a difference. It can significantly improve the tea-drinking experience. The first quality a good cup should have is to be non-porous. A porous material will hold in different flavours from different teas and will ruin the taste of every next cup.

The cup should let the tea cool down slowly and evenly. A cup with a wide rim will cool faster and a narrow one will retain heat longer. A thinner cup will cool at a faster rate and vice versa. Another important thing is for the cup to have a thin lip so you’re more comfortable when drinking. And finally, make sure it’s chemical-free.

There are many materials you can choose from. If you know your friend’s material preference, it’ll be much easier to choose. Ceramics is one of the most popular ones. It’s made from baked clay and has great aesthetics. They retain heat longer and can resist high temperatures. Porcelain is non-porous and has a glaze that makes it non-reactive. Bone China is also an option that has great smoothness and preserves the tea’s body.

Glass cups have become very popular in the last few years and are a great choice. They retain heat well, especially the double-wall ones. Stainless steel is not the number one choice for many people, but it’s a good collectable to have in the cupboard. Surprise your friend with a unique cup design. Something from their favourite historical era, something fun or something sentimental.

Can’t Get Better Than Tea

Every tea lover will be excited to receive a bag of tea as a gift no matter how many times you buy them one. Especially when it comes to loose tea leaves. They have a much higher quality and more intensity than the other types of tea. You can pair the tea bag with some breakfast cups and make the perfect gift combo. If you don’t have a lot of experience buying tea, there are some tips and tricks you should follow to get the best for your friend.

To get you started you should first decide on the type of tea you’ll get. Black tea is one of the most popular choices and a classic that has a wonderful flavour. Green teas are also a good choice, and white teas are a rarity and will become an ideal gift for your friend. Keep an eye on the size and colour of the leaves. A bigger leaf has more flavour and a dark green one has a more intense infusion.

Pay attention to smell as well. You should be able to feel the intense fragrance of the tea. If you can’t do it and the leaves look pale and faded, the tea is probably stale. Make sure you read the ingredient list and check the manufacturer online. You should only buy the best for your friend.

Infuse With a Tea Strainer

Tea strainers, or infusers, are some of the most commonly used tea accessories. When brewing loose leaves, the strainer is the only way to do it. There are several types you can choose from. The basket infuser is bigger and can sit atop the rim of the teapot or the teacup. The tea pincer is very handy. It has a ball at the end of the long handle that you fill with leaves, and you brew the tea like that.

Tea Strainer
Source: tastingtable.com

The tea ball infuser has a chain instead of a handle, and you can brew multiple cups of tea. Fine mesh strainers are made of stainless steel and have a mesh basket that goes over the cup. Some of the most common materials are stainless steel, bamboo and silicone. You can match them in design with the breakfast cups and saucers and make a nice set as a gift.

Can’t go Wrong with a Kettle

There’s no better tool to make hot water than a tea kettle. They’re made to come in contact with direct heat. This is a must-have tea accessory that your friend will appreciate even if they have one at home. The stove-top kettles are very popular and have a traditional feel to them. They usually have a flat bottom and a spherical body that has a handle and a sprout.

There’s a whistle on the sprout that blows when the water is done. They have a simple design and are easy to use. There are also electric ones that are very convenient and practical. They usually heat themselves and the water can boil in 2-3 minutes. When it comes to materials, you can’t make a mistake with stainless steel, aluminium, copper, glass or cast iron. All of them are durable and sturdy.

There are some additional features you should keep an eye on. The handle should be heatproof so your friend can take it off the stove safely. Having an automatic shutoff can be very practical at times. You won’t have to be around the kettle each time you boil water. There are kettles that have a rapid boil option which boils water even faster. And some have a temperature control button that lets you decide the water temperature.

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