A Guide to Dance Shoe Bags: Keep Your Ballet Shoes Looking Like New

dance shoe bags

If you’re a dance student, dance teacher or professional dancer, you already know the importance of the right dance shoes. From pointe shoes to dance heels, they are your main support to learn and perform all the right steps. Carrying your dance shoes to and from class should be done properly – in a dance shoes bag. And while you can put them in your dance bag with the other things, it’s always a better idea to keep the shoes separate for various reasons such hygiene and protection.

Not all of these shoes are made of equal materials. Some are sturdy and durable, while others are delicate like ballerina shoes. The external part is made of delicate satin that can easily get damaged or stained. And while it’s a bit more challenging to destroy the sturdy inner part, the face of the shoes can easily look old and dirty if they aren’t properly stored.

Why You Need a Dance Shoe Bag

Being a dancer means carrying many things with you for a class or performance. Besides your training gear (leggings, leotard, towel, hair accessories, a bottle of water, deodorant, hoodies, and underwear) you’ll also need to carry your shoes. Dance shoes differ from dance to dance; pointe shoes, sneakers, ballroom dance heels, you name it.

dance shoe bag
Source: hairenpointe.com.au

And while some schools have lockers where you can store your things, most students tend to carry their belongings with them. The main reason why dancers get shoe bags is that shoes need to stay separate from the rest of their belongings. Sure, these shoes are only worn in the studio, but it doesn’t mean they’re clean. You’ll wear them for an hour or two, your feet will sweat, so instead of just tossing them in the bag with your towel and clothes, place them in a suitable shoe bag. Not only you’ll always be able to get them with ease, but they won’t interfere with the other items. For instance, if you choose a mesh pointe shoe bag, they will get proper ventilation and will be separated from the rest of the things.

Bags Varieties

Dance shoe bags have quite a simple design. The type varies based on the size, material and how many compartments it has. So, you can choose a small bag for a single pair or a larger one with several compartments where you can store several pairs. Just like dress bags, these will keep your shoes in one place, keeping them ready for class or performance. Some models are large enough to be carried on their own, which is a good thing. This way you won’t put them in your suitcase or bag and expose them to the risk of getting zipper damage, makeup or liquid stains.

Keep Things Organized

Shoe dance bags allow you to keep things organized, and not only in your dance bag. Dance shoes placed in shoe bags can remain clean and in good shape once you store them in your closet. When packing your things (let’s say you have a competition or performance out of town or the country) place your shoes in the bag and they will remain protected during the entire trip. Some dancers own more than one pair of dance shoes so shoe bags that have more compartments are a better choice. This way you can pack every pair in one place, without worrying whether they could damage during the trip.

Keep Them Safe

Pointe shoes are made of satin and no matter how sturdy they are, they are delicate shoes after all. To keep them protected in your bag or closet, it’s best to keep them safe in satin bags. Not only do satin bags look elegant, but the fabric is also sleek and smooth, so there won’t be a risk of destroying the outer part of the shoes.

ballet shoe bag
Source: energetiksblog.com.au

Keep Your Shoes Aired

As I mentioned before, ballet shoes tend to get quite sweaty. No matter how clean the studio where you dance is, these shoes are never clean enough to get close to your clothes and towels. When you place them in a suitable bag, they will get the proper air flow. Mesh is the best choice of fabric for such a bag; it’s soft enough to keep even the most delicate shoes protected, and yet will provide enough airflow to keep them dry and free of odours.

How to Keep Your Ballet Shoes in Good State?

The main way to expand the life of your ballet shoes is to dry them properly after every class. This is why breathable bags are crucial. The good thing is that this process will go easily as these shoes are made of natural fabrics that tend to dry fast. Keep them in a place where they can get properly dry (usually they’ll be wearable in 10-20 hours).

Never try to wash them, as they will destroy the shine and may be completely damaged. Another way to keep them in a good state is to rotate your pairs, especially if you’re doing pointe work for more than 2-3 hours per week. Avoid wearing the same pair for more than two hours. Don’t forget to apply shoe hardeners and replace them regularly. Sure, they feel comfy after you’ve broken them in, but there’s a difference between comfortably broken in and useless shoes.

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