Bed Dog Cover Buying Guide

Dogs are one of the friendliest, most loving and loyal pets. Having one, however, isn’t only fun and games but dedication and responsibilities. Besides food, regular walks, vet checks, your dog will require a few other things. Maybe your dog is a puppy at the moment and loves to curl up in bed with you or sleep on the sofa, but it’s important to get them their own bed. There are various types of dog beds. Smaller breeds are better off with classic round or doughnut beds, but larger breeds and older dogs with joint or muscle issues may be better off with a dog bed cover.
Although pet shops have various options, there are a few things you should consider when choosing the right bed for your pet.

Types of Dog Bed Covers

You can easily get overwhelmed by the many types of dog bed covers. Make sure to consider your dog’s size, breed, weight and of course the materials. Heavier or older dogs need a place for sleep that won’t put any pressure on their soft tissues and bones. Smaller breeds will do just fine with round and fluffy beds.


dog laying on the orthopedic bed

An orthopedic bed dog cover is ideal for senior dogs or dogs who suffer any hip or joint problems. There are various types of these beds as well. Orthopedic beds can be filled with memory foam or regular stuffing. It’s important to know what your dog needs. If you aren’t sure you can always ask your vet.
If you have a large breed that’s heavy and has arthritis problems, then go for a top-quality memory foam for better support. If you have a relatively small dog or a young dog, the overstuffed bed may be just fine.

Heated Dog Beds

These beds are perfect for the winter months, especially for smaller or hairless breeds. However, electric beds are a bit risky, no matter how pleasant they may feel for your pet. If your dog is a chewer and you fear it may chew the cables, it may be a smarter idea to put a dog sweater on your dog.
Such beds could be a better option for older dogs who don’t have chewing habits, but younger ones might get in big trouble.

dog laying on a heated bed

Memory Foam

This type of bed is perfect not only for dogs with arthritis but for heavier dogs as well. The stiffness of the memory foam will allow a dog with arthritis to rest without pain. Older dogs or dogs with arthritis may have problems getting out of bed, so the memory foam will make it easier for them.
For heavier dogs, memory foam will follow the shape of their bodies, and will give enough support, without losing its shape, once the dog gets up.

dog laying on the memory foam bed

Things to Look for in a Dog Bed Cover

When buying your dog a bed cover, it’s important to pay attention to a few qualities. You will come across many different types and sizes, but your dog should always get a comfortable place to lay down, without feeling pain or cold.

Padding Thickness

Consider this feature to maximize the comfort of your dog. The right amount of padding will either make the bed super comfy or a place that feels a bit softer than laying on the floor. When your dog lays on a cover that doesn’t have sufficient padding, it will be exposed to prolonged pressure. This can be a reason for skin damage and even skin wounds. If you have an older dog or a dog with arthritis, the padding must be rich enough for a pain-free rest.

Padding Material

The material of the padding is also important, just as its thickness. A 5cm of top-quality memory foam on the bottom of the bed or bed cover will make the surface much more comfortable than 10cm of cheaper material. If you can easily squeeze the material and feel your fingers touch, it might not be strong enough to support your dog’s weight.

Temperature Regulation

Even if you place the dog bed cover near the heating, it’s still important that your dog sleeps on a soft and warm bed. The padding shouldn’t only provide your dog with warmth during the cold days, but should also feel pleasant for sleeping during summer. Choose breathable materials that won’t cause your dog to overheat.

dog sleeping in cozy bed

Easy-to-wash Material

To ease your job and to make the bed cover a pleasant and clean place for sleeping, make sure it’s easily washable. You should be able to remove the cover and wash it in the washing machine. No matter how clean your dog is, it’s important to wash the cover regularly to prevent unwanted skin issues. Dirt, sand, debris and dust gathering on the surface of the bed will only contribute to a dirty dog coat. It’s best if the cover can be removed so you can wash it. Also, consider getting a waterproof bed cover, it will make things much easier for you.

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